home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke808,234
- 20 printchr$(14):printchr$(8):print"[147]":poke53280,11:poke53281,11
- 30 printtab(8)"[158]** [208]ress [210]eturn **"
- 40 input"[145][145][145][145][197]nter [198]ile [206]ame";r$:r$=left$(r$,10)
- 50 x=96:r=2*x
- 60 dimd$(r),i$(r),d(r),c(r),b(r),u(r),h(r):n=0
- 70 input"[201]f [197]stablishing [206]ew [198]ile,[201]nsert (*)";y$
- 80 poke53280,6:poke53281,15
- 90 ify$="*"then110
- 100 ify$=""thengosub990
- 110 poke650,0:poke53280,6
- 120 poke53281,15
- 130 print"[147][151][194]alance [211]heet[146]"
- 140 print"[198]1 [198]orward [211]can [151]_ [210]everse [211]can"
- 150 print"[151][198]4 [197]nter [201]nformation"
- 160 print"[151][198]5 [194]alance [211]heet"
- 170 print"[151][198]6 [204]ast [208]age"
- 180 print"[151]= [212]otal [196]ebits/[195]redits"
- 190 print"[151]* [211]elect [206]ew [198]ile"
- 200 print"[151]^ [210]ename [198]ile"
- 210 print"[151]% [210]e-[197]stablish [198]ile"
- 220 print"[151][211] [211]ave"
- 230 print"[151][195] [195]hronological [211]ort"
- 240 print"[151][208] [208]rint"
- 250 print"[151]+ [197]xit"
- 260 gosub420
- 270 geta$:ifa$=""then270
- 280 ifa$="[133]"thenab=1:goto730
- 290 ifa$="_"thenab=n:goto730
- 300 ifa$="[138]"then480
- 310 ifa$="s"thengosub1090
- 320 ifa$="[139]"then1820
- 330 ifa$="[135]"then1500
- 340 ifa$="="then1900
- 350 ifa$="*"then clr:goto20
- 360 ifa$="^"then2070
- 370 ifa$="c"thengosub2170
- 380 ifa$="%"then2260
- 390 ifa$="p"thengosub2620
- 400 ifa$="+"then9999
- 410 goto110
- 420 print"[151]----------------------------------------"
- 430 print"[198]ile:[156] ";r$
- 440 printtab(21)"[151][145][197]ntries:[156]";n
- 450 print"[151][194]alance:[156]";b(n)
- 460 ifd$(n)>"a"thend$(n)="--"
- 470 printtab(21)"[151][145][204]ast [196]ate: [156]";d$(n):return
- 480 poke53280,6:ifn=x-1then720
- 490 print"[147][151][196]ata[160][197]ntry"
- 500 n=n+1:print"[147][197]nter [201]nformation[146]"
- 510 print"[197]ntry[160]#";n
- 520 print"[196]ate ";d$(n-1)
- 530 print"[201]tem":print"[196]ebit":print"[195]redit":b(n)=d(n)+c(n):b(n)=b(n)+b(n-1)
- 540 print"[194]alance [201]s: ";b(n):print""
- 550 input"";d$(n):ifd$(n)>="a"ord$(n)=""thend$(n)="--"
- 560 d$(n)=left$(d$(n),6)
- 570 input"";i$(n):ifi$(n)=""theni$(n)="--"
- 580 i$(n)=left$(i$(n),28)
- 590 input"";d(n):d(n)=-d(n)
- 600 input"";c(n)
- 610 b(n)=d(n)+c(n):b(n)=b(n)+b(n-1):b(n)=int(b(n)/0.01+0.5)*0.01
- 620 print"[194]alance [201]s:[155] "
- 630 print"[145][194]alance [201]s: ";b(n)
- 640 printtab(9)"[151][193]nother [197]ntry?[146] [217]/[206]"
- 650 printtab(9)"[151][193]bort[146] [193] [151][210]e-[197]nter[146] [210][151]"
- 660 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"anda$<>"r"anda$<>"a"then660
- 670 ifa$="n"then110
- 680 ifa$="r"thenm=n:gosub1480
- 690 ifa$="a"thenm=n:gosub1480:goto110
- 700 ifn=x-1then720
- 710 goto500
- 720 print"[147]":printtab(15)"[151][198][201][204][197][160][198][213][204][204]":forzz=1to2000:next:goto110
- 730 poke53280,6:ifn=0then110
- 740 form=abton
- 750 poke650,128:gosub900
- 760 print"[151][198]1[146] [198]orward [211]can _[146] [210]everse [211]can"
- 770 ifm>nthen110
- 780 print"[198]5[146] [194]alance [211]heet"
- 790 print"[198]7[146] [210]eturn to [205]ain [205]enu"
- 800 print"[198]2[146] [205]ake a [195]hange"
- 810 print"[198]8[146] [197]rase this [197]ntry"
- 820 geta$:ifa$=""then820
- 830 ifa$="_"thenm=m-2:ifm<0then110
- 840 ifa$="[135]"thenpoke650,0:goto1500
- 850 ifa$="[139]"thenpoke650,0:goto1820
- 860 ifa$="[136]"then110
- 870 ifa$="[137]"thengosub1240
- 880 ifa$="[140]"thengosub1420:a=m:gosub1840:m=a
- 890 next:goto110
- 900 ifm>nthenreturn
- 910 print"[147][151][197]ntry #";m
- 920 print"[196]ate: ";d$(m)
- 930 print"[201]tem: ";i$(m)
- 940 print"[196]ebit: ";d(m)
- 950 print"[195]redit: ";c(m)
- 960 gosub2940
- 970 print"[194]alance: ";b(m)
- 980 print"[151]----------------------------------------":return
- 990 print"[147][151][204]oading[156]";r$
- 1000 open15,8,3,"0:"+r$+",seq"
- 1010 input#15,n
- 1020 form=1ton
- 1030 input#15,d$(m)
- 1040 input#15,i$(m)
- 1050 input#15,d(m)
- 1060 input#15,c(m)
- 1070 input#15,b(m)
- 1080 next:close15:return
- 1090 ifn=0thenreturn
- 1100 print"[147][151][217]ou selected [211]ave. [193]re you sure?"
- 1110 printtab(16)"[217]/[206]"
- 1120 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then1120
- 1130 ifa$="n"thenreturn
- 1140 print"[147][151][211]aving[156]";r$
- 1150 open15,8,4,"@0:"+r$+",s,w"
- 1160 print#15,n
- 1170 form=1ton
- 1180 print#15,d$(m)
- 1190 print#15,i$(m)
- 1200 print#15,d(m)
- 1210 print#15,c(m)
- 1220 print#15,b(m)
- 1230 next:close15:return
- 1240 poke650,0:ifn=0thenreturn
- 1250 gosub900:printtab(12)"[156]** [195]hange **[151]"
- 1260 print"1-[196]ate","2-[201]tem","3-[196]ebit","4-[195]redit"
- 1270 printtab(9)"[156][197]nter (1,2,3, or 4)[151]"
- 1280 forzz=1to400:next
- 1290 geta$:ifa$=""then1350
- 1300 ifa$="1"thengosub1370
- 1310 ifa$="2"thengosub1380
- 1320 ifa$="3"thengosub1390
- 1330 ifa$="4"thengosub1410
- 1340 return
- 1350 print"[145][145] "
- 1360 forzz=1to75:next:print"[145][145][145][145]":goto1270
- 1370 jj$="--":print:input"[206]ew [196]ate";jj$:d$(m)=jj$:m=m-1:return
- 1380 jj$="--":print:input"[206]ew [201]nformation";jj$:i$(m)=jj$:m=m-1:return
- 1390 jj=0:print:input"[206]ew [196]ebit (pos.only)";jj:d(m)=-jj:m=m-1:a=m:gosub1840
- 1400 m=a:return
- 1410 jj=0:print:input"[206]ew [195]redit";jj:c(m)=jj:m=m-1:a=m:gosub1840:m=a:return
- 1420 ifn=0thenreturn
- 1430 print"[147][151][193]re you sure you want to erase this?"
- 1440 printtab(18)"[217]/[206]"
- 1450 geta$:ifa$<>"n"anda$<>"y"then1450
- 1460 ifa$="n"thenm=m-1:return
- 1470 print"[147][151][213]pdating[160][198]ile"
- 1480 forv=mton:d$(v)=d$(v+1):i$(v)=i$(v+1):d(v)=d(v+1):c(v)=c(v+1):next
- 1490 n=n-1:m=m-1:return
- 1500 ifn=0then110
- 1510 gosub1860:xx=1:yy=19
- 1520 ifyy>nthenyy=n
- 1530 form=xxtoyy:ifm>x-1then110
- 1540 print"[151]";m:print"[145]"d$(m)
- 1550 d(m)=-d(m):ifd(m)=0then1800
- 1560 printtab(10)"[145]"d(m)
- 1570 d(m)=-d(m):ifc(m)=0then1810
- 1580 printtab(19)"[145][151]"c(m)
- 1590 ifd(m)=0andc(m)=0then1780
- 1600 printtab(29)"[145]"b(m)
- 1610 next
- 1620 geta$:ifa$="[135]"then1710
- 1630 ifa$="[136]"then110
- 1640 ifa$="[139]"then1820
- 1650 ifa$="r"thengoto1750
- 1660 ifa$="[133]"thenab=1:goto730
- 1670 ifa$="_"thenab=n:goto730
- 1680 ifa$="[138]"then480
- 1690 ifa$="="then1900
- 1700 goto1620
- 1710 xx=xx+19:yy=yy+19
- 1720 gosub1860:ifxx>=x-1then110
- 1730 ifyy-19>=nthen110
- 1740 goto1520
- 1750 input"[151]match which item number";k
- 1760 ifk<1then110
- 1770 print"[147]":poke53280,6:form=kton:goto750
- 1780 ifm<=nthenprinttab(29)"[145]"b(m)
- 1790 printtab(31)"[145]":goto1610
- 1800 printtab(11)"[145]":goto1570
- 1810 printtab(21)"[145]":goto1590
- 1820 print"[147]":poke53280,9:ifn<19then1500
- 1830 xx=n-13:yy=n+5:goto1720
- 1840 print"[147][151][213]pdating[160][194]alance"
- 1850 form=1ton:gosub2940:next:return
- 1860 print"[147]":poke53280,9:poke53281,15
- 1870 print"[195]ontinue-([198]5) [210]ead-([210]) [205]enu-([198]7)"
- 1880 print"[156][196][193][212][197][196][197][194][201][212][195][210][197][196][201][212][194][193][204][193][206][195][197]"
- 1890 return
- 1900 poke53280,6:ifn=0then110
- 1910 print"[147][151][196]ebits/[195]redits[146]"
- 1920 print"":gosub420
- 1930 print"":form=1ton:u(m)=c(m)+0
- 1940 printtab(8)"[151][145][212]otal [195]redits[160]are:"
- 1950 print"[145]"m
- 1960 u(m)=u(m)+u(m-1):next
- 1970 printtab(27)"[145]";u(n)
- 1980 print"":form=1ton:u(m)=d(m)+0
- 1990 form=1ton:u(m)=d(m)+0:u(m)=d(m)+0
- 2000 printtab(8)"[151][145][212]otal [196]ebits are:"
- 2010 print"[145]"m
- 2020 u(m)=u(m)+u(m-1):next
- 2030 printtab(27)"[145]";u(n)
- 2040 print"[208][210][197][211][211] [193][206][217][160][203][197][217][160][212][207][160][210][197][212][213][210][206] [212][207][160][205][197][206][213] "
- 2050 geta$:ifa$=""then2050
- 2060 goto110
- 2070 print"[147][151][193]re you sure you want to [210]ename"
- 2080 printtab(13)"this file?":printtab(17)"[217]/[206]"
- 2090 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then2090
- 2100 ifa$="n"then110
- 2110 input"[151][197]nter [206]ew [198]ile [206]ame[156]";v$
- 2120 v$=left$(v$,10)
- 2130 print"[147][151][196]o you want this executed on disk? [217]/[206]"
- 2140 geta$:ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then2140
- 2150 ifa$="n"thenr$=v$:goto110
- 2160 open15,8,15:print#15,"r0:"+v$"="+r$"":r$=v$:close15:goto130
- 2170 ifn<=1thenreturn
- 2180 print"[147][151][208]lacing [201]tems in order by [196]ate"
- 2190 printtab(12)""
- 2200 ex=0:forq=1ton-1:poke53280,5:ifd$(q)>d$(q+1)then2230
- 2210 next:ifex<>0then2200
- 2220 gosub1840:return
- 2230 g$=d$(q):h$=i$(q):j=d(q):t=c(q)
- 2240 d$(q)=d$(q+1):i$(q)=i$(q+1):d(q)=d(q+1):c(q)=c(q+1):poke53280,14
- 2250 d$(q+1)=g$:i$(q+1)=h$:d(q+1)=j:c(q+1)=t:ex=1:goto2210
- 2260 ifn<5then110
- 2270 print"[147][151][210]e-[197]stablish [198]ile[146]"
- 2280 printtab(12)"[193] [151][193]bort"
- 2290 printtab(12)"[208] [151][208]reserve old [198]ile"
- 2300 printtab(12)"[197] [151][197]rase old [198]ile"
- 2310 geta$:ifa$=""then2310
- 2320 ifa$="a"then110
- 2330 ifa$="p"then2540
- 2340 ifa$="e"then2360
- 2350 goto2310
- 2360 gosub2580
- 2370 print"[147][151][210]e-[197]stablish [198]ile[146]"
- 2380 print"[151][195]urrent [206]o. of [197]ntries:[156] ";n
- 2390 printtab(7)"[151]( [205]in: 0 ";"[205]ax:";n-5;")"
- 2400 input"[145][145][145][151][200]ow [205]any [197]ntries [208]reserved[156] ";gg
- 2410 printtab(10)"[151][197]rasing [197]ntry:[146]"
- 2420 ifgg>n-5orgg<0then2260
- 2430 bb=b(n-gg)
- 2440 form=1ton
- 2450 d$(m)=d$(m+(n-gg)):i$(m)=i$(m+(n-gg))
- 2460 d(m)=d(m+(n-gg)):c(m)=c(m+(n-gg)):b(m)=b(m+(n-gg))
- 2470 ifm>n-ggthen2490
- 2480 printtab(25)"[145][156]";m
- 2490 next
- 2500 n=gg+1:ifgg=0thenb(n)=bb
- 2510 ifbb<0thend(n)=bb
- 2520 ifbb>=0thenc(n)=bb
- 2530 d$(n)="******":i$(n)="[194]alance [198]orward":gosub2170:gosub1140:goto110
- 2540 gosub2580:v$=r$
- 2550 input"[147][197]nter [206]ew [206]ame for old [198]ile";r$
- 2560 r$=left$(r$,10)
- 2570 gosub1140:r$=v$:goto2370
- 2580 print"[147][208]rint the old [198]ile ? [217]/[206]
- 2590 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]2590
- 2600 [139]a$[178]"y"[167][141]2620
- 2610 [142]
- 2620 [139]n[178]0[167][142]
- 2630 [153]"loadpoke(NULL)rintwait"
- 2640 [153][163]14)"len pokelenontinue"
- 2650 [153][163]14)"atn pokeatnbort"
- 2660 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]2660
- 2670 [139]a$[179][177]"c"[167][142]
- 2680 [153]"load(NULL)ress (NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL) for a ascull (NULL)rint"
- 2690 [133]"onononon(NULL)rint ascrom (NULL)hat str$ate ";sd$
- 2700 [159]4,4,7:[153]"(NULL)aging (NULL)n ? (NULL)/(NULL)"
- 2710 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]"y"[175]a$[179][177]"n"[167]2710
- 2720 [139]a$[178]"n"[167]sp[178]0.5:[137]2740
- 2730 sp[178]5
- 2740 [153]"load":[153][163]9)"(NULL)rinting, (NULL)leaseclose(NULL)ait"
- 2750 [152]4,[199](16)"27";"ascright$(NULL)val(NULL)atn(NULL)val: ";r$
- 2760 [152]4,[199](10)
- 2770 [152]4,[199](16)"00";"str$atn(NULL)val";[199](16)"10";"right$(NULL)val(NULL)";[199](16)"46";"str$valpeekright$(NULL)";
- 2780 [152]4,[199](16)"58";"len(NULL)valstr$right$(NULL)";[199](16)"70";"peekatn(NULL)atn(NULL)lenval"
- 2790 [152]4,[199](10)
- 2800 [129]m[178]1[164]n
- 2810 [139]d$(m)[177][178]sd$[167]sp[178]sp[170]1:[141]2860
- 2820 [139]sd$[178]"chr$(13)"[167]sd$[178]"*****"
- 2830 [130]
- 2840 [152]4,[199](12):[160]4
- 2850 sd$[178]"*****":[142]
- 2860 [152]4,[199](16)"00";d$(m);[199](16)"10";i$(m);
- 2870 [139]d(m)[178]0[167]2890
- 2880 [152]4,[199](16)"45"d(m);
- 2890 [139]c(m)[178]0[167]2910
- 2900 [152]4,[199](16)"57";c(m);
- 2910 [152]4,[199](16)"69";b(m)
- 2920 [139]sp[178]56[167][152]4,[199](12):sp[178]0
- 2930 [142]
- 2940 b(m)[178]c(m)[170]d(m):b(m)[178]b(m)[170]b(m[171]1):b(m)[178][181](b(m)[173]0.01[170]0.05)[172]0.01:[142]
- 9999 [158]2048